
1. Results

Easy Reading Handbook

Cover Easy Reading Handbook

The handbook provides information on joint research with people with cognitive disabilities, researchers and developers.

Easy Reading Handbook (pdf / 14,5 MB)

Informed Consent for peer researchers

Screenshot of informed consent document

The informed consent informs the peer researchers about the conditions and their rights in participating in the Easy Reading project.

Informed Consent (pdf / 127 KB)

Informed Consent for pilot test with pictures

The Swedish inclusive research team has developed a first draft for the Informed Consent for the pilot test phase. In order to improve understanding, images have been integrated into this version. 

Informed Consent with Pictures (pdf / 288 KB)

Pictorial Support - Informed Consent

To better understand what an informed consent is, an easy to read version with pictorial support was developed.

Pictorial support – Informed Consent (pdf / 115 KB)

Pictorial support - Participating in a Project


When participating in a project, some things are good to know. In this pictorial support are the most important things explained in an understandable way.

Pictorial support – Participating in a project (pdf / 111 KB)

Pictorial support - Important about New Technology

Illustration Laptop, Handy und Tablet

People that use aids for their technology needs to participate in research about this. Then they can make sure that as many as possible are able to use new technology.

In this pictorial support we explain what is most important about new technology.  

Pictorial support – Important about New Technology (pdf / 182 KB)

Easy Reading Checklists

The Easy Reading Team has developed several checklists. These checklists can be used to plan and review important aspects of cooperation with different end user groups.

Checklist Data Compliance (pdf / 329 KB)

Checklist Data Treatment (pdf / 329 KB)

Checklist User Interaction (pdf / 330 KB)

Easy Reading Risk Tables

The Easy Reading Team has put together possible risks that can occur in projects that deal with user interaction and developing new technology. These risk tables can be used to plan and review the work as the project progresses. 

Risk Table – Related to Technology (pdf / 235 KB)

Risk Table – Related to Project Partipation (pdf / 253 KB)

Project Leaflet

The updated Easy Reading Leaflet gives a clear overview of the objectives of the project and introduces the first tools developed within the framework of the project. 

EasyReading Leaflet 2019 (pdf / 351 KB)

Project Poster

Poster about project, functions and applicatons

The project poster was developed for the Inclusion Days 2019 organised by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. It gives a comprehensive overview of the project objectives, the tools developed and exemplary application scenarios.

Easy Reading Poster (pdf / 767 KB)

2. Deliverables

Here you can find the deliverables of the different Easy Reading workpackages:

Workpackage 1: IPAR-UCD Methodology Development and Application

Learn more about the methodological approach of Easy Reading, as well as the tools and methods for recruitment of peer researchers: D1.1 Methods and Tools for Recruitment (pdf / 760 KB)

Workpackage 2: Innovative Interface Concepts

Learn more about the development of adaptive personalized interface concepts for people with cognitive disabilities and the adaption strategies used in the Easy Reading Framework: D2.1 & D2.3 Interim Report: Adaptive personalized User Interface and Content Component (pdf / 2,4 MB)

Workpackage 3: Tracking and Reasoning

Learn more about related research in other EU funded projects tracking engines and the selected tracking technologies and sensors: D3.1 Selected Tracking Technologies and Sensor Integrations (pdf / 1,2 MB) D3.2 AsTeRICS Plugin Set (pdf / 923 KB)

Workpackage 4: Profiling and Knowledge Base

Learn more about the specifications of the user profile e.g. personal information, user status and settings (D4.1), the user test process e.g. test scenarios, performing the tests and eye tracking (D4.4): D4.1 Specifications of the User Profile (pdf / 906 KB) D4.4 Report: Preparation on User Testing (pdf / 507 KB)

Workpackage 7: Guidelines for Cognitive Accessibility

Learn more about the objectives, achievements and deviations in implementation the guidelines for cognitive accessibility into W3C standards: D7.1 Interim Report: W3C Integration (pdf / 757 KB)

Workpackage 8: Privacy, Safety, Ethics

Learn more about the informed consent for peer researchers (D8.1), technology and project related risks and the Easy Reading risk plan (D8.3) and about people with cognitive disabilities, their challenges, how to research with them and how to develop for them (D8.4): D8.1 Informed Consent (pdf / 515 KB) D8.3 First Report on the Most Urgent Risks and Risk Plan.pdf (pdf / 937 KB) D8.4 Safety, Privacy and Ethical Considerations.pdf (pdf / 1,2 MB) D8.5 Final Report of the Most Urgent Risks and Risk Plan.pdf (pdf / 989 KB)

Workpackage 9: Dissemination Exploitation & Communication

Learn more about dissemination tools and activities e.g. social media channels, newsletter and press releases (D9.1), the dissemination of the project through the website and online communities (D9.2) and about data, FAIR data, allocation of resources, data security and ethnical aspects (D9.3): D9.1 Interim Report: Dissemination (pdf / 1,9 MB) D9.3 Website Structure (pdf / 1 MB) D9.4 Website and Online Communities (pdf / 591 KB) D9.7 Data Management Plan (pdf / 880 KB)