What is peer research?
People with cognitive disabilities know best what kind of help they need to better understand a web-page and web-content. They are experts in their own field. This is why they play an important role in the project. User with cognitive disabilities are included in all phases of the project as researchers.

How are the peer researchers involved in the project?
- They participate in the research to find out which criteria the EasyReading Software needs to fulfill.
- They work together with the developers to test and improve the software.
- They evaluate the software as users.

Why is it important to involve users with cognitive disabilites?
Peer Researchers can inform scientific researchers and developers what is good for them and what issues or areas they should address. The involvement of users ensures that the EasyReading software is easy to use and fulfils the user needs in everyday life.

Who are our peer researchers for the EasyReading project?
We are working together with 3 groups of Peer Researchers:
- DART (Sweden)
- Proqualis (Austria)
- PIKSL (Germany)

What do our peer researchers have to say about the Easy Reading Program?
Our Peer Researchers have tested the Easy Reading program in various User Tests. Here you can find some first opinions of the Peer Researchers about the program: