The Easy Reading framework is implemented as a scalable and extendable cloud architecture. This has the following adavantages:
- capacity to handle a large number of users
- flexibility for fast reaction on actual and future requirement changes.
The whole framework structure is component based. Therefore external tools can integrate existing and upcoming solutions for annotation, adaptation and translation in a proven user centred eco-system that allows flexible combining of functionalities for tailored personalised service solutions.
Infrastructure of the Easy Reading framework:
The system hosts 5 components:
- User Tracking: An external tracking component tracks the actions and gaze of the user to estimate its current state.
- Clients: Users are able to use the service by installing an app on their mobile device or by installing a browser plugin.
- Carer Backdoor: With the backdoor function the carers can edit the profile and preferences of their clients.
- Conversion Engines: The engines convert content, structure and layout/presentation of web pages into an easier to understand form.
- Easy Reading Cloud: is the central piece of the whole architecture that acts as contact point for all clients, user trackers and carers. The system handles the requirements based to the user profile. Within the cloud there are several main components that maintain the service:
- Controller: evaluates and handles all requests from clients and tracking
- Profile Storage: central storage for all user profiles
- UI-Builder: builds a personalized, optimized user interface based on the user profile
- Service Matcher: triggers conversion of content, based on the user profile and settings